【EMI教學增能工作坊】2024年5月7日(二) EMI 教學增能工作坊,歡迎各位老師報名!

EMI Curriculum Design in Higher Education - Effective Teaching and Successful Learning in English-Taught Courses

講者:國立政治大學教育學院 侯永琪 教授

時間:2024年5月7日(二)10:10 - 12:00

地點:AI 中心28人研討室(160812) + Google Meet


  1. 實體參與:https://reurl.cc/Rq0p9r。敬備餐食。
  2. 線上參與:https://forms.gle/kEmkGTJSJfdYN1zv5


Event information:

Speaker:  Professor Yung-Chi Hou, College of Education

Date and time: Tuesday 10:10 - 12:00 , May 7

Location: AI Center Room 160812 + Google Meet

To join in-person,

please register at: https://reurl.cc/Rq0p9r  (Meal provided)

To join via Google Meet,

please register at: https://forms.gle/kEmkGTJSJfdYN1zv5




*The workshop will be conducted mainly in English, with Mandarin as a supplement.

*When you attend this event, you enter an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur. By entering the event premises, you consent to such recording media and its use for promotional and archival purposes.