【EMI教學增能工作坊】113年9月11日(三) EMI 教學增能工作坊,歡迎各位老師報名!



講者:國立政治大學創新國際學院 歐子綺助理教授

時間:9月11日(三)12:00 - 14:00







In this workshop, Professor Tsu-Chi Ou from the International College of Innovation will start by examining the existing interaction styles in participants' courses, and together we’ll discuss and experiment with group activities suited to different teaching objectives. We warmly invite teachers to sign up and join us!

Topic: Group Activities in EMI Interactive Classrooms

Speaker: Tsu-Chi Ou, Assistant Professor, International College of Innovation

Date and time: Wednesday 12:00 - 14:00, September 11 

Location: Alumni Service Center Meeting Room

Registration link: https://reurl.cc/pvxxye


*This workshop is for in-person participation only. Meals will be provided on-site.

*The workshop will be conducted mainly in Mandarin, with English as a supplement if needed.