4/21 The Workshop on“Online Teaching and Learning”

Dear all,

Are you still be haunted by unsolved problems?

Did you miss the opportunity to participate in last online sharing?

We heard you! Now, we will hold another workshop on " Online Teaching and Learning " on Tuesday, April, 21st, from 12:00 – 13:00 by Prof. Pei-Hsuan Hsieh.

We are forward to your visit !


Speaker: Prof. Hsieh, Department of Computer Science

Date: Tuesday, April, 21st, from 12:00 – 13:00



1.     Microsoft Teams

2.     Google Hangouts Meet

3.     Cisco WebEx

4.     Jitsi


Register to participate :



※Because we will record the workshop, login this workshop means that you permit us to record image, sound and words.


Please feel free to leave your comments at https://forms.gle/Jfj7sGWZmHAMKy6Y7

We will invite Prof. Hsieh from Department of Computer Science to share with us on April 21 again.


Best regards,

Center for Teaching and Learning Development

Video filehttps://reurl.cc/kdX2pb(please start from 00:35)

Presentation filehttps://reurl.cc/E7oym1

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